My life has been so crazy, I don't even know where to start.
How about with this.
We moved since I last posted. I thought to snap a few pictures as things were being packed up. Dan kept tabs on things at the house while I spent most of the time at my parents with the kids. It is always so surreal to see your things packed up and then a bare house. We took the kids over to the empty house the night before we left and they got a kick out of seeing it empty.
Moving is definitely stressful. We didn't have the stress of packing ourselves (thank goodness) but we still had to go through all the logistics. We had the packers/movers show up on Monday, February 17. The truck was loaded by the end of the day Tuesday. We stayed at my mom's that week. Have I mentioned what a life saver she is? Now that there are 7 of us (can I just say that sounds so weird to me?) we tend to overwhelm the space of wherever we go. We squished right in, and the kids thought that the air mattress was the coolest thing ever.

We flew out late Thursday. I was really worried about the plane ride. So worried that I wanted to make the 24 hour drive instead of fly. I get a bit anxious flying to begin with, add in a mix of kids who could be loud and unpredictable, and I was not looking forward to the flight. But Dan found good airfare, and we just couldn't pass it up. The kids ended up doing okay. I guess when you expect the worst, almost anything will seem okay. Tyler was perfect. Will slept perfectly. The twins struggled a few times when they both wanted the same seat, and Jackson had a hard time understanding the concept of staying in your seat during take off.

The most chaotic part was making our connection in Denver. At the airport in Salt Lake, I wore Will, Jackson was in a stroller, the other boys all pulled a suitcase. We checked the stroller all the way through to Houston, so when we landed in Denver a bit late, and had just a few minutes to move not the couple of gates like we thought but the next terminal, we panicked. Dan took the older boys a head of me so they could move fast, and I brought the little boys. So I'm carrying Will in a Bjorn, while coaxing Jackson through the airport. I finally had to pick him up and carry him on my hip. I must have been a sight, and I did hear a "two babies" comment as I was rushing past a group of people. But we made our flight!
We had some friends pick us up at the airport, and Dan's brother lent us some blankets and towels and we camped out at the house for the weekend. Our stuff arrived Sunday.
And we started unpacking. We got the boxes empty the first week, and are finally feeling organized two months later.
Looking at that picture gives me the hives remembering the mess we've been through. And Dan is so busy, I have unpacked probably 85% of this house by myself.