Monday, August 27, 2012

The last time

With babies, we always mark their firsts--smile, rolling over, sitting up, eating solids, sleeping through the night.  I think just as significant, are the lasts.  However, we rarely know it's the last time they will be up for a 2 am feeding, the last time they let you snuggle them to sleep, or the last time they take a bottle.

Well, I knew this last.  It was our last bath in the sink.  As Jackson kicked and splashed to the point of soaking me, I knew it was the last sink bath, and we would be moving to the tub.  And since I knew it was the last time, I was able to take some pictures.

Do you see all that splashing?

And just to compare, the first bath at home in the sink:


aniaartstor said...


Shelly Cunningham said...

I loved this one... I wish we did know, as moms that it was the last time- the last time in a certain outfit, the last gummy smile, the last time I could hold both twins on my hips...
I hate that the time passes and before we know it, those moments are gone.