Tuesday, January 29, 2008

President Hinckley

I have been thinking a lot about President Hinckley these last few days. I can still remember in 1995 when he became the prophet. I was sitting in Latin class, my freshman year of college, when our teacher walked in and told us that President Hunter had just passed away. A student, I think his name might have been Ty, said, "Well, Hinckley's the man." And wow! wasn't he. Since he was the prophet for so long, I have so many memories of him. He signed my mission call. While I was on my mission, he came to a Regional Conference in Houston, and he spoke to the three Houston missions. We didn't get to shake his hand, but to be with him in a meetinghouse chapel was awesome. I can just picture him so sincerely teaching and encouraging us. Because of him I want to be just a little better each day. I loved his optimism, his energy, his enthusiasm, and his sincere love. I am so grateful for him, and so grateful that we have a prophet. And how comforting is it to know that he is happy where he is, and that we are not left here alone. The work will go on; we will have a new prophet.

If you are not familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, check out the official website:

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