Sunday, August 11, 2013


Let's play some catch up.

Brady and Carter turned 4!

For their first birthday, we had a big party, actually celebrated twice.  Their second was low key since I was pregnant.  Their third birthday was pretty big again, and then this year was low key because I'm pregnant.  I think I see a pattern.

They got up that morning and wanted to open presents the second they saw them.

Hot Wheels track, spider man toys, Beyblades, bubbles, and water guns.

We had lunch at McDonald's, and I let them stay and play as long as they wanted.

We had grandma and grandpa over for a BBQ.  Then we invited the rest of the family for cake and ice cream. 

Carter has a bit of stage fright, so when we all started singing to them, he hid under the table.

Brady at 4
At his check up, Brady was 41 1/2 inches (77th percentile) and 38 pounds (69th percentile). Brady is a smart but stubborn boy.  He learned to write a B last year, as evidenced by the many B's I found on my walls in permanent marker.  He loves to play outside, especially riding his bike. While he often gets in trouble for being the ring leader, he also has a real sweet streak and can hold so still during family prayer.  His hair lost it's signature curl :( but his dimple still gets me every time.

Carter at 4
Carter is 41 1/4 inches (73rd percentile) and 39 pounds (76th percentile). Carter learned to write his name in school, and I love finding scraps of paper with his letters on them.  (He too went through a phase of writing on walls, but he seems to have stopped.)  Carter is smart and can sit still and work on things like puzzles, coloring, and can sit forever playing games on my phone.  He does love to ride his bike, and asks everyday if he can play outside with his friends.  Every few mornings, Carter comes to our room very early, and wants to snuggle in bed.  I love those early morning snuggles.

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