Saturday, December 21, 2013

37 weeks

One week ago today, I thought I was looking extra pregnant (probably the shirt) and snapped this picture.  Today I am 37 weeks.  I have my c-section scheduled for 2 weeks from today, January 4. Two more weeks.

I am really ready to be not pregnant anymore.  Everything this time around has been just more.  More morning sickness, more aches and pains (back, sciatic, pelvic), more heartburn, more fatigue, more dizziness, more weight gain, more of every wonderful pregnancy symptom.  I think the one and only thing I had less of was migraine headaches.  I guess what they say about advanced maternal age is true.

But on the other hand, my mind is in such a different place than it was with my other pregnancies.  The idea of a baby in my arms still seems very abstract.  My other pregnancies, especially the last one, were preceded by years of longing to be pregnant.  And while this baby is every bit as longed for and wanted, I really am in a different place emotionally.  Or maybe it's just that it's the third pregnancy.  Or is it the fact that I am chasing after other kids and forget that I am pregnant sometimes.  Whatever it is, the reality of this pregnancy is more vague than before.  I'm sure the reality of it all will hit soon enough, like when we have a newborn to take care of. Wow, when I stop to think of it, I do get really excited to snuggle that new life.  Yay!  A newborn is coming soon!

1 comment:

Krissy Cotten said...

You are so cute! I can't wait to see you guys when you come back to Texas! I just got back into blogging now that I have a blog app for my phone. Yay! I noticed you had posted recently.