Monday, October 8, 2007

Musings on Conference

I love General Conference. Granted, I don't get out of it all that I should, especially since half the time I am playing conference bingo with Tyler, but I certainly get enough out of it to feel inspired and encouraged. (By the way, Tyler actually sat through most of one session on Saturday and half of one session on Sunday because of that game, so I guess I should be happy!)

Elder Condie's talk on Saturday morning was especially touching. I have been trying so hard to trust Heavenly Father lately as we long for a baby. I have tried to just trust him not only for the if, but also for the when. It's his time table, not mine. So as Elder Condie spoke about how the Lord will remember us, using the story of Rachel from the Old Testament, it just totally reaffirmed to me that yes, God is aware of me, and will answer my prayers in his way and in his time.

I also appreciated President Packer's talk. With our ward splitting last Sunday, there are suddenly new opportunities for everyone to serve. I just kept thinking during his talk, it's not where, but how. How can I magnify my calling, no matter what is asked of me? A couple Sunday's ago, Dan had left the TV on to the BYU channel, and I walked into our bedroom to an Education Week talk. I don't know who he was, but he was speaking how at his grandmother's funeral, he found out she had worked in the nursery of her ward for 30 years! All faithfully and without complaint. I think of that often and yes, it is how you serve that will matter.

Finally, Elder Oaks gave a great talk--good, better, best. How do I spend my time? I am blessed that right now in my life I am not that busy, not that scheduled. That leaves me a lot of time to accomplish the things I need to. Do I use my time wisely? Do I do the things that are the most important and essential? Not always. What a good reminder for me.

Now I am just looking forward to the Ensign coming out I can't wait to reread so many of these messages.

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