I've seen this on a few blogs recently, and while I don't know how entertaining it will be for you to read everything I do in a typical day, I think it will be quite interesting for me to read in six months. So here we go. Yesterday, Thursday February 18th this is what I did:
I hear Brady crying. While half asleep, I bring him down to our bed where he does manage to fall back asleep.
Dan brings Tyler into our room. Dan was leaving for work but wanted to say good-bye to him before he left. (Dan had just gotten back in town late the night before.) Tyler and I snuggle under the covers for a few minutes.
Up and at 'em. Head to the kitchen to make breakfast and pack lunch. Wait, Thursday is pizza day at school, I only had to pack a snack.
Get Tyler dressed.
Strap a now awake Brady into his car seat.
Comb Tyler's hair and brush his teeth.
Wake up Carter. Change a wet and leaky Carter. Okay, just opened a box of Pampers given to me, and has leaked through overnight two nights in a row! I think I will stick with Huggies.
Strap Carter in his car seat.
Load up the kids and drop Tyler off at school.
Get back home. Time for breakfast. Feed Brady a delicious breakfast of prunes topped off with a bottle. Repeat for Carter.
Eat my own bowl of cereal for breakfast.
Get Brady dressed. (Yeah, no baths this morning. That adds another half hour on to my morning routine.)
Time for an early nap.
Get myself showered and dressed.
Gather laundry from around the house. Start a load of baby laundry.
Pack the diaper bag.
Wake up the babies from their nap and load them into car seats and the car.
Drive to the office for Carter to get a scan in preparation for his helmet.
Get lost. Don't trust GPS. Call the office and get directions. Show up 5 minutes late.
Get the scan. Try lots of times to get the scan. Carter wants to wiggle around and look at the laser. Take pictures of his head.
Finally done. Feed babies in the waiting room. Load up in the car. Begin the drive home, but stop off at Jack-in-the-box on the way home to pick myself up some lunch.
Decide I really need to stop at the grocery store on the way home. Get enough groceries to last through the weekend. (I can only buy so much when I have to store it all under my stroller.) Come home and unload groceries.
Change babies. Wait for Tyler.
Tyler's home! (Another yeah! it was not my turn to drive carpool, so that gives me 20-30 minutes extra time in the afternoon.) With such a nice day we decide to walk to the park. Pull out the double jogging stroller (why I have a double jogging stroller that is 5 years old is a whole other story) dust it off and pump up the tires. Go to park and play.
Come home. Give bottles to the babies. Put them down for afternoon nap. Move laundry and start another load. Play with Tyler on the computer. Try to read a book for a few minutes while Tyler continues to play. Straighten family room. (I feel like I do this 5 times a day and it is still always messy.)
Brady wakes up. Feed him dinner. Carter wakes up. Feed him dinner. Put them both in their Bumbo seats while Tyler entertains them.
Dan is home!
Take frozen taquitoes out and begin heating them up. Heat up beans. Find some carrots. Call it dinner. Tyler doesn't want it, so he gets left over stromboli from the night before. We all sit down and eat together. Clean up kitchen.
Time for the Olympics. Dan holds a wiggly Brady while Tyler and I finish reading
Captain Underpants. Dan wonders if it is inappropriate. No, just silly. Tyler gets in the bath. Remake a baby bed. Get everyone in their pajamas.
Family scripture time. Family prayer. Tyler heads off to bed. Babies get their final bottle and go down (and stay down!) for the night.
Tidy up family room, again. Finish the laundry that has been started, but leave the last 2 loads for tomorrow. Browse blogs. Watch the Olympics. Have a little bowl of ice cream. Tell Dan to stop snoring and just go to bed.
Lights out early for me tonight. Get ready to do it all over again tomorrow.